
12th Annual Kraemer Copyright Conference

Copyright and the Future of Libraries
June 16-18, 2025
Ent Center, University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Hosted by the Kraemer Family Library, University of Colorado Colorado Springs 

Now Accepting Proposals through January 15, 2025
Proposal Guidelines and Submission Form

 2025 Conference Theme

The 12th annual Kraemer Copyright Conference promises to be an exciting event, delving into how libraries can bounce back stronger after facing restrictive copyright rulings and ongoing challenges to equitable access. This year's theme is all about advocacy strategies, fostering innovative partnerships, and highlighting transformative ideas that empower libraries to uphold their mission of providing public access to knowledge, even in the face of growing information privatization. Join us for a dynamic exploration of resilience and innovation in the library world!

Stay tuned for more information regarding registration. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions about the conference, please contact the Kraemer Copyright Committee at kcc@uccs.edu.