Kyle K. Courtney
Director of Copyright and Information Policy Harvard LibraryBio
Kyle K. Courtney is a lawyer and librarian serving as the Director of Copyright and Information Policy for Harvard Library. His award-winning "Copyright First Responders" initiative is in its tenth year, and has spread beyond Harvard to reach libraries, archives, museums, and cultural institutions across the U.S. He is a published author and nationally recognized speaker on the topics of copyright, libraries, and the law. He has a fellowship at NYU Law's Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy, is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, an Advisor to the American Law Institute's project on the Restatement of Copyright, and co-founder and Board Chair of Library Futures. His writing on copyright has appeared in Politico, The Hill, Library Journal, American Libraries and other publications. He co-authored the seminal work "A White Paper on Controlled Digital Lending (CDL)." He holds a J.D. with distinction in Intellectual Property Law and an MSLIS.