Open Track Presentation: The Public Domain is Open… Now What?

Tue, 06/11/2019
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Berger Hall

As of January 1, 2019, in the United States, copyrighted content from 1923 entered the Public Domain. Each year, after January 1, items will enter the Public Domain—e.g. 1924 works will enter in 2020, 1925 in 2021 and on and on.  So, what does it mean that the Public Domain is open again in the United States? How do you do research on the copyright status of a work? What can you do with Public Domain content? During this presentation, learn what’s so exciting and how to talk about the Public Domain with your colleagues and constituents. 

Click here to view the presentation.

Presented by Sandra Aya Enimil.

Sandra Aya Enimil, MA in International Relations, MSLIS, JD
Sandra Aya Enimil, MA in International Relations, MSLIS, JD
Copyright Librarian and Contracting Specialist, Yale University