Open Track: Sound in Quotation Marks: Plunderphonics and Copyright Law
Wed, 06/12/2019
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
University Center 303
"Plunderphonics" is a music theory utilizing fragments from recognized songs to create pastiche compositions that critique its sources. Unlike most music sampling, Plunderphonics focused on sampling as a purely "quotational" trigger rather than an aesthetic choice or rhythmical structure. The idea of "plundering" compositional fragments is nothing new in music, and with a few major exceptions has mostly been judged as a valid fair use. Nevertheless, early purveyors of Plunderphonics were slapped with threats and lawsuits from the corporate record industry. This presentation will address the history of Plunderphonics and its impact on US and international copyright law.
Presented by Kiowa Hammons.

Kiowa Hammons