Open Track Individual Presentation: The Ghosts of Copyright Past and Present for Novices

Wed, 06/12/2019
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

This presentation will provide highlights of a two-week historical unit from a 3-credit undergraduate online course taught at the University of Montana.  This unit gives students an opportunity to compare and contrast current copyright issues with similar ones of the past.  Doing so enables them to appreciate and internalize copyright’s colorful historical relationships to three things: 1. The value of information.  2. The creation and dissemination of information.  And 3. democratic institutions of freedom of speech and expression.  At the end of this workshop, attendees will be able to incorporate the history of copyright into their own instruction.

Click here to view the presentation.

Presented by Tammy Ravas.

 Tammy Ravas
Tammy Ravas
Copyright Coordinator, University of Montana's Mansfield Library